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When can I register my child for a class?We take registrations throughout the year as long as there is space available in a class. Registrations for the upcoming school year takes place in mid-January to early February. Be sure to check our website or give us a call for exact dates. Registration forms are located on our website on the "Programs" page.
Do you have summer camps?Yes! We have many fun summer camps from Tea Party to Dinosaurs to Legos and more! We run camps Monday-Thursday mornings throughout June and July. Families can choose the themes and days that they like without commiting to a whole week. Camps are open to children 3 years old (and potty trained) to 6 years old (the summer after Kindergarten). Children do not have to attend Hearth Academy to join summer camps. Watch for the schdeule and registration information in the Spring.
Do you have fields trips, parties, visitors and other extras?Absolutely! Pre-K takes at least one off-site field trip per year and we have multiple visitors for "in-house" field trips for all the students each year including firefighters, the dentist and even a magician. Classes have parties for Halloween and Valentine's Day, decorate gingerbread houses, have a Holiday program, and Mother's/Father's day breakfast as well as fun dress up days during the year. ** These may be adjusted as needed depending on the community spread of Covid-19.
How can parents get involved?We love parent involvement at Hearth Academy! We realize how important the home-school link is and make sure to keep parents informed and encourage their involvement. We have a parent oranization called the HAPPY Club (Hearth Academy Preschool Parents for our Young) The HAPPYClub helps plan whole school events such as Fall Fest, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Staff Conference Meals. Classes also have Room Parents to help plan parties and organize class help as needed. There can be opportunities to help prep materials at home and donate supplies as needed. We love our parents at Hearth Academy! ** Involvement may be adjusted in response to the community spread of Covid-19.

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